Drunk Driving / Driving Under the Influence

Drinking and driving can lead to serious legal consequences. That’s why it pays to have a trusted drunk driving lawyer from Mavericks on your side when you are facing charges of driving under the influence.

Penalties for drunk driving can extend far beyond licence suspensions and fines. Depending on whether or not this is your first offence, you could be facing jail time as well. With the guidance and expertise of a lawyer and a brilliant defence strategy, you could avoid these punishments altogether.

At Mavericks, we will seek out every possible legal argument to successfully defend our clients facing driving under the influence charges. We aim to win your case – not to simply have your charges reduced or have you plead guilty to a lesser charge.

Ready to Discuss your Drinking and Driving Case With Our Team? Call us at 289-807-5142 or Contact Us Online.

DUI Lawyer The law surrounding Impaired Driving and Over .08 charges is extremely complex and constantly changing. It is important that your DUI Lawyer truly focusses on Impaired Driving law. Mavericks in-house DUI Lawyer, Adam Little, focuses almost exclusively on drinking and driving cases. Watch Adam in action at the Supreme Court of Canada arguing Impaired Driving law as counsel for the Criminal Lawyers Association!

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